Friday, January 30, 2009

Montenegro (1981, Sweden)

I can't believe I watched this thing. It was definitely trying too hard and not enough all at once. It starts with a very artsy quote and image involving a monkey with a cage, first clue of trying too hard. Then up starts a very '80s song over the opening credits, first clue of not trying hard enough.

Essentially an American woman married to a rich Swede starts going slightly crazy and decides to follow him on a business trip to Brazil. Because she has her gardening shears in her bag, she gets pulled aside by security. Next thing you know, she's taken up with a gypsy woman who was also pulled aside by security, and she heads off to the Zanzi-bar, where she is introduced to this crazy, bohemian world of shovel fights, sex shows, and pretty much sheer insanity. She actually seems to be the sanest one there.

I can't even say anything productive about the acting, the score, the cinematography, the writing, or anything. It was just too... eh. The best part, by far, was the freeze frame and titles at the end, which were definitely the biggest WTF? moment of the whole shebang. Fitting.

I don't think I'd recommend it, unless you enjoy asking yourself, "Why did somebody make this movie?!" (Kind of like how I asked myself, "Why does Stef own this, and why did she let me borrow it?!")

Rating: 1.5

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