I have never seen a movie so full of misogynistic and overly-sexualized jokes. It often bordered on tasteless, but it remained quite funny. It definitely walked a fine line. Even though it might have been a bit much for a "romantic comedy," it was also a breath of fresh air because it was just so different. Let me recommend not watching it if you're very easily offended. (I can be offended fairly easily, and I was *this close* to offense every now and then.) But for most people out there, it's hilarious and I think you'll love it.
Gerard Butler is a b-e-a-utiful man. I'm a little bit biased in his favor, but I can still say that he is an amazing actor, and he was shockingly believeable as a rude, chauvanistic pig. I've never seen him play anything quite like it (although he has done some out there roles). (Side note: he's looking a bit odd these days, like he's gained a lot of weight but just in his face. Well, more like he's been stung repeatedly in the face by bees. Anyway.) Here I go with my bias again, but Katherine Heigl was Katherine Heigl. Really, I do not understand the appeal. She plays the same silly, 2-dimensional, whiny, anorexic little girl in everything. You don't understand why the leading man, even one as shallow as the lead in this flick, would want to be with her. Casting could have been way better on that front.
And then they live conveniently-ever-after. Really, I liked it—but what more is there to say about a romantic comedy?
Rating: 3.5
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