Firstly, it was incredibly realistic. It is based on a book written by Rolling Stone reporter Evan Wright, who was with the 1st Recon Marines in the first humvee at the tip of the spear during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Every detail was carefully researched. The slang the men used, their superstitions, their training, their relationships, their day to day lives, the moral issues some of them dealt with... so realistic.
Although Generation Kill is about a war and a moment in history, it is more about the men who experience it. This was definitely an ensemble drama, and the acting was phenomenal. Of course, I thought Alexander Skarsgård was the most brilliant of them all. (Note: I was so fascinated by this series that I watched all of the special features, and he was just like the actual Marine he played, as were many of the other men. In fact, on of the 1st Recon Marines played himself!)
You know I love a good score, but in this series they clearly made a conscious choice to avoid scoring the series so as not to take away from the realism. Instead, picture a convoy of hardened Marines driving through the desert in humvees, singing together, a cappella. Songs like "Teenage Dirtbag," "Sk8er Boi," "Come Sail Away," "King of the Road," "Mamas Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Cowboys," "Fuck the Police," "Hot in Here," "Tainted Love," etc. The cast members did all the singing themselves, which further added to the realism.
I'm not going to say anything else about this series, because I don't feel like I can do it justice. The acting, the scenery, the incredible writing, the music, the shocking, gritty realism... And on top of all that, I learned a lot. This is an insanely good series. I found myself wishing there were many more than 7 episodes. I wanted to know what happened to these Marines after Baghdad, what happened to them in the time in between the scenes transferred to film, what happened to them after they went home. More than that, what happened to the Iraqi people they met in the line of duty?
Wonderful. I highly, highly recommend this series.
Rating: 4.0
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