Today I watched another one of those "Why have you not seen this yet?" movies. I mean, a flick with both Cate Blanchett and Angelina Jolie? I know I love my actors, but I
really love my actresses. Especially those two. It was quite interesting to watch them both before they were big stars, playing characters that are so unlike the ones they play these days. Really reinforced my belief that they're two of the greatest actresses ever. Of course, the two of them together could not detract from the horror that is Billy Bob Thorton. I mean, he's not a terrible actor (though I don't think he's great), but looking at him just gives me a funny feeling. Like I need to go take a shower, or perhaps vomit. There's no explanation, that's just the way it is. John Cusack's good though.
Anyway, as to the film. I didn't expect to fall in love with it, and I didn't. It was okay, pretty entertaining, but it wasn't the movie of the century. The whole air traffic control world was quite fascinating, and I liked that they chose such an unusual career to demonstrate the effects of stress and overwork. They could have just as easily done surgeons or army generals or something similar, but it wouldn't have been as interesting. Or as personal, I don't think. I liked that the families were all very "Mr. and Mrs. Average and their children Bobby and Suzie."
Also, it was thought-provoking. Always a good quality in a movie, I think. What does stress make people do, and how do we cope? Good stuff.
Rating: 3.0
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